Raffaella joined the GSG in May 2020 as NAB Community Manager. Prior to GSG she was Secretary General of the Italian NAB and Advocacy Officer at Human Foundation.

She supported the empowerment of the Italian social sector through the promotion of tailored policies. An example is the support in designing the Social Innovation Fund approved in the 2018 Italian Budget Law.

Started her career working in humanitarian emergencies as Colombian conflicts areas and occupied Palestinian territories. She also coordinated NGOs medical teams during the “North Africa Refugees Emergency” raising international awareness on the poor conditions of Italian refugees camps gathering funds to improve living conditions.

Passionate economist, engaged in designing innovative financial models for addressing social challenges. Active contributor to refugees integration programs, catalyzing ideas and valuable options for solving new social needs.

She wants to build a more sustainable and fair economic system and she strongly believes that creating a strong impact investing community around the world is a considerable step towards that direction.